Yellow forklift loading pallet of Wienerberger bricks onto flatbed lorry, with man in high vis vest watching

Load optimisation will reduce road delivery miles by 4.5x around the earth

In 2021, Wienerberger UK & Ireland set out its Sustainability Roadmap ‘Let’s Build Beyond, which outlined the vital actions the business would take to create enduring value for its stakeholders as it transitioned to a net-zero emission, nature-positive business.

We grouped these actions under three guiding principles: Safeguarding our Planet; Innovating for the Future we want; and Moving Forwards Together.

Decarbonisation is one of the major levers which will contribute to successfully Safeguarding our Planet. To ensure we make continued progress, we have developed a decarbonisation programme to reach net-zero carbon emissions before 2050. It begins with improving our understanding of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) associated with Wienerberger’s operations at both a company and product level. 

Through continuous dematerialisation efforts across our product ranges, combined with more efficient manufacturing processes, switching to more efficient energy sources, minimising plastics, and reducing transportation, we can make a significant impact on our decarbonisation goals.

One such initiative is our Load Optimisation project. Through our continuous dematerialisation efforts, we have reduced the weight of bricks. This created an opportunity to review brick pack weights and the pack configurations, enabling us to ensure optimum load capacity whilst keeping maximum focus on the safety of the packs on each load, and the health and safety of delivery drivers and operatives. Furthermore, in order to use every last inch of vehicle capacity, we’ve differentiated our load sizes by vehicle type, creating an optimised load for vehicles with and without mechanical offload.  

How did we do this?

What does this mean?

We estimate our load optimisation efforts could reduce the total number of loads by 1,234 and over 182,000 delivery kilometres, equivalent to over 4 and a half times around the earth’s equator. By combining our delivery records and BEIS’ GHG conversion factors3, we predict this change would have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 168 tonnes CO2e between 1st January and 31st December 2022, compared to 2021. This is equivalent to the carbon absorption power of around 7,400 trees.

Going forwards, we have adjusted the load pack sizes, and you can view the load sizes and vehicle types for each of our brick products that are relevant to you. If you would like more information about your deliveries, or would like to learn more about this initiative, please contact your Wienerberger Account manager or Area Sales Manager or you can call our Customer Support team on 0161 516 7639.


Let's build beyond

Discover our Sustainability Roadmap

Sustainability is the main driver of our company growth strategy. This means we focus our efforts on initiatives which will enable us to realise our ambitious carbon reduction commitment and align with the Wienerberger Group’s ESG strategy. Read more about our ‘Lets Build Beyond’ Sustainability Roadmap now.



3source: GHG conversion factor for HGV (all diesel); all Artics; Average laden; is 0.92391 kgCO2e per km. Source: BEIS Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Conversion Factors 2022. Available online at: