Managing our land assets and providing products to enhance biodiversity and facilitate wellbeing through engagement with nature.

Managing our land assets and providing products to enhance biodiversity and facilitate wellbeing through engagement with nature.
Human wellbeing is sustained by access to ecosystem services such as crop pollination, fresh water, and soil fertility. Ecosystem services are weakened as biodiversity declines, reducing the availability of food, water and medicine.
We will use the Biodiversity Net Gain metric to demonstrate a minimum 10% Biodiversity Net Gain is achieved or in progress, when averaged across our land assets, compared to a 2022 baseline.
Click on the circles in the diagram below to learn more about each aspect of our plan to promote biodiversity.
We are partnering with other organisations to combine different skills, experience, and assets to solve complex problems and maximise the positive impact our biodiversity strategy will have. Our partnerships span science, product innovation, education, and advocacy.
Organisations must work together to affect the level of change required to reverse biodiversity loss.
We will have curated a network of trusted partners to tackle biodiversity loss.
wienerberger’s nature-positive approach will consider the biodiversity impact of the company’s products across the whole lifecycle: from raw material sourcing, through the benefits in use, to end-of-life stage.
By carefully curating our products and services, wienerberger can amplify positive impacts upstream and downstream of our business.
Our products and services will improve people’s quality of life, promoting biodiversity and the efficient use of energy and water in the built environment.
Good health and wellbeing is a fundamental human right, it is also a UN Sustainable Development Goal, and our biodiversity strategy can improve wellbeing outcomes for both our employees and communities.
Time spent in nature can not only produce positive health outcomes, it provides the opportunity to develop a connection with the natural world and cultivate care for it. By creating more advocates for nature conservation, we scale the impact of this biodiversity strategy.
We will manage our land assets with the aim of creating valuable habitats and promoting regional biodiversity by increasing connectivity with other biodiverse sites. Managing our land assets is central to our strategy.
Human activities are causing major changes in ecosystems across the globe leading to biodiversity loss.
We will use the Biodiversity Net Gain metric to demonstrate a minimum 10% Biodiversity Net Gain is achieved or in progress, when averaged across our land assets, compared to a 2022 baseline.
wienerberger’s biodiversity strategy will result in an increase in both the quality and quantity of data that we collect and store.
By sharing our data and information with others wienerberger can assist other conservation initiatives, helping to close knowledge gaps on species abundance and habitat condition.
Our biodiversity data is reliable and consistently curated, it is stored in accessible repositories for our people and is shared with relevant Record Centres for the benefit of our partners and our communities.
We will keep you updated on our collective progress with routine reports supplemented by case studies and news articles, sharing how our product portfolio is evolving and celebrating the partnerships we have formed.