wienerberger is moving its company car fleet to electric vehicles, expecting to reduce business travel emissions by 500 tonnes of CO2e per year when complete.

wienerberger is moving its company car fleet to electric vehicles, expecting to reduce business travel emissions by 500 tonnes of CO2e per year when complete.
As part of our Sustainability Strategy, and our commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030, wienerberger plans to phase out Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles from the company car fleet. The transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) will be supported with the installation of EV charging points across our factories and offices. Once implementation is complete, we expect this to reduce emissions from business travel by 500 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year, compared to 2019 levels.
wienerberger UK has started an installation programme to provide electric vehicle (EV) charging points at all UK factories and offices. The EV charging points will enable company car users to access zero-emission fuel via wienerberger’s renewable electricity tariff. Charging points will be installed in two phases throughout 2022, with completion expected before the end of the year.
Alongside encouraging digital meetings, the provision of EV charging units supports wienerberger’s plans to reduce emissions from business travel.
In March 2022, wienerberger announced the addition of Electric Vehicles to the company car fleet.
We anticipate that all company car users will order either a full Electric Vehicle (EV) or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) by the end of 2023. Once all company car orders are fulfilled, and employees are using the EV charging points supplying renewable electricity at wienerberger sites, this switch is anticipated to save around 500 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year, compared to 2019 levels.
Paul Stevenson, our Finance Director explains: “We recognised the need to improve our charging infrastructure at office and factory locations as we continue the rollout of electric company cars and we’re proud to be reducing emissions from our company car fleet in this way.
“Access to EVs will not only reduce emissions from business travel, it could also reduce the impact of commuting and personal travel in company cars. We encourage company car drivers to switch to a renewable energy tariff or install renewables at home where it is practical to do.”
The transition to an electric company car fleet is part of Wienerberger’s sustainability Roadmap to 2030.